Friday, February 17, 2012


Još uvek nisam imala priliku da lepo isprobam svoj novi objektiv, zbog ove zime i nedostatka vremena pored posla, dan nisam videla nedeljama :) Evo malo sličica sa večerašnjeg predaha posle posla u Supermarketu.

I still have not had a good opportunity to try out his new lens, because of this winter and the lack of time in addition to work, a day light I have not seen for weeks :) Here's some pictures from this evening's respite after work at the Supermarket.

Moja divna maska stigla mi je na adresu pravo sa ovog sajta 

My beautiful phone mask came to me at the address right from this site

Nove O'Neill čizme koje su me spasile po ovom snegu do krova

O'Neill new boots that saved me on this snow up to the roof

I tako zamotana odoh kući :) nadam se da vam se dopada kako ovaj objektiv radi u zatvorenom prostoru sa malo svetla, ja sam oduševljena!

And so I went home wrapped :) I hope you like how this lens for indoor low light, I'm thrilled!
xxx LadyM